Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Econ. 06/20/2012 - Federal Reserve

1.      The Federal Reserve System has been engaged in an enormous effort to stimulate growth ever since Wall Street began to wobble in 2007.

2.      The Federal Reserve System has been doing the best it can to get the economy back up and running smooth.

3.      I agree. It’s a good thing that they’re doing something good to help the United States.

4.      From reading this article I learned that the Federal Reserve System is actually doing something to get the economy going back to normal.

5.      The Fed has exercised more influence over economic growth and the level of employment in recent decades than any other government entity. The central bank is also the government’s most important financial agency. It used all its traditional tools and many new ones to prop up the financial system after the Wall Street break down of 2008 and gave the economy better forms of support during the recession and weak recovery that followed.

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