Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Econ. 07/10/2012 - Fight Back Against Identity Theft


What is Identity theft?
Identity theft is a serious crime that costs American consumers billions of dollars and countless hours each year. It occurs when someone uses your personal information without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes.

2. Who is the organization who protects consumers from identity theft? What is there strategy to fight against identifies theft?
The Federal Trade Commission protects consumers from identity theft. Their strategy to fight against theft is to encourage consumers to Deter, Detect and Defend to help cut down on identity theft.

3. How does the FTC tell consumers to Deter thieves? (Hint – there should be three ways they recommend to help consumers)
Their strategy to fight against theft is to Shred financial documents and paperwork with personal information before you discard them. Protect your Social Security number. Give it out only if absolutely necessary or ask to use another identifier. Don’t give out personal information via the phone, mail or the Internet unless you know who you are dealing with.

4. How do consumers detect identity thieves?
Consumers monitor financial accounts and billing statements. They are alert to signs that require immediate attention, such as: bills that do not arrive as expected; unexpected credit cards or account statements; denials of credit for no apparent reason; and calls or letters about purchases they did not make.

5. What should you do if think your identity has been stolen? List all 4 steps in your own words. If you think that your identity has been stolen you should contact the fraud department, cancel all accounts that you feel have been under fraud, File a report with your local police or the police in the community, and the last thing you can do is file your complaint with the FTC.

6. After reading and thinking about this article do you think you have a better idea of what to do if you encounter an identity theft situation? After reading this article I think I have a much better idea on how to deal with something like this if it were to ever happen to me. The best thing to do is to not give any personal information away to people or companies such as; social security, credit card numbers, passwords to important accounts and stuff like that.

7. Do you think this will ever happen to you? I hope this never happens to me but there are a lot of sneaky people out there who are looking for the perfect moment to take anyone’s identity.

8. If this does, will you know how to stop it based on all that you have learned?
If this does ever happen to me I will be sure to recall where was the last place I had to give out my social security or my credit card number and go on from there.

9. Find 4 key terms in this article and define them. (pick words you don’t know)

Tampered- Interfere with (something) to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

Fraudulently- In a dishonest or fradulent manner.



10. In your opinion was this article helpful?

This article was very helpful. I learned a lot more on what to do if something like this were to happen to me. Before reading this article, I would never have known who is in charge of the frauds and what to do. I wouldn’t know what the first step is especially not the last step. I will definitely look back at this article if anybody I know, or myself fall into a situation like this.

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