Thursday, July 26, 2012

Econ. 07/26/2012 - Global Warming Rough Draft

The Effect of Global Warming on the Economy

            What exactly is global warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, and other pollutants. For years, scientists have been trying to figure out what causes global warming. One of the first things scientists learned is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between, it’s affecting our environment, our food supply and our economy.

            Global warming is one of the biggest contributors to our polluted air. Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas. Sea level rise became faster over the last century. Hurricanes and other storms are becoming stronger. Soon enough, ecosystems will change. Some species will move farther north or become more successful; others won’t be able to move and could become extinct. The ice is disappearing and scientists are afraid that polar bears will soon become extinct. Less fresh water will be available. Some diseases will spread such as malaria carried by mosquitoes. Many people say the end is near.

            Our environment, food supply and our natural resources all play a big role in our economy. With global warming in the way, it is said that the United States is going to have more droughts, floods, landslides and storms. Winter will gradually be shortened and sobered down, while summer will rise in expansion and severity. Along with this heavy rain, big storm, heavy snowfall, high sea level, increasing coastal erosion and other problems will occur. All of our crops will be flooded and we won’t have sufficient agricultural foods. A lot of people will suffer from this. Once the agricultural fields are ruined, our country will have fewer jobs and the prices of foods will go up because it will be harder to get ahold of these products. Eventually, our water supply will run out and not only will our crops be affected by this. Families will suffer due to our hot humid atmosphere and water will be our only savior.

             Global warming is one of the most talked about issues in the whole world. Some people say it is more serious than war or any other thing. This is because many scientists say that the world will die unless something is done, they believe that global warming is helping to destroy our economy and natural resources. It contributes to the spread of disease, and raises the prices of many crops. There is one sure sign that global warming is having an economic impact: Investors are starting to consider it an opportunity. In fact, climate change could be the next big investing trend. Places where Global Warming is most likely to hit hard is everywhere all around the world. $14-$23 billion a year will only pay for the little damages that are going to occur due to Global Warming. As you have seen Global Warming will not just affect the United States but the whole world. Our economy will have great setbacks unless something is done soon.

            There is a general worldwide consent there is climate change occurring, but many still claim it's not man made, but a natural earth cycle. While this may contain some truth, most believe it is caused from the burning of fossil fuels and man in general. The bottom line it is coming (if it is not already here) and we have to figure out what we can do. Waters rising will be a disaster, food will be affected and we got to plan for catastrophes like Katrina. This is going to hit everyone, not just the poor or the democrats or the Catholics. We're all in a heap of trouble and the sooner we accept this fact, the better we can be prepared for things like this. As far as politics go, it seems Bush has cost us by delaying so long before deciding it was real. Obama and Hillary seem to have a better grasp of its seriousness and I don't mean to take a side, which is the overall perception shared by many. Our Earth is dying all around us it is time we as human beings wake up and make this serious problem go away.

Works Cited

"Free Article Submission Directory and Distribution Website -" Free Article Submission Directory and Distribution Website - N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2012. <>.

"National Geographic Home Page." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2012. <>.

"Free Article Submission Directory and Distribution Website -" Free Article Submission Directory and Distribution Website - N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2012. <>.

Global Warming & Climate Change." Global Warming- Science. N.p., 26 July 2012. Web. 26 July 2012. <>.

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